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Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

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The story begins, knowing the facts of the previous titles, Ratchet and Clank are celebrated as galactic heroes in the city of Megalopolis. Clank is revealed to have repaired the Dimensioner so that Ratchet can travel between dimensions in search of other Lombaxes like him and possibly find his missing family as well. However, Dr. Nefarious, long missing, attacks the parade and manages to steal the Dimensioner; during the fight the machine is damaged, causing the random opening of different dimensional cracks. Ratchet, Clank and Nefarious end up being transported to an alternate universe and from here the adventure begins. Rivet is a Lombax like Ratchet and will become the second playable character in the game.

Before starting I want to make a premise: it's one of the photomodes that today, if you adjust every step properly, no editing is needed.

Activate Photo Mode: Start and Photo mode

Camera freedom: vote 9

Considering that it's not an open world, you have a very large movement and can go very far. Even in the tightest areas you will not feel constraints because the polygons are very soft guaranteeing you the movements you are looking for. When you get very close, the characters are not physical and you can walk through them without problems coming to take very small details. My advice is not to overdo it so as not to find yourself seeing the small flaws.

Camera adjustment: vote 8

The adjustment is jerky and reaches up to 180 ° but there is no numerical reference to do so. This is a small lack especially since there are no reference grids. Having a complete flip is always a good thing in a photo mode. The rotation is perfect following the center of the frame.

Aperture and focus adjustment: vote 9

We have 4 adjustments that we are going to analyze for those who are less practical or beginners.

- Focal length wraps around each element within the shot from the farthest point, not the farthest in the field of view, to the closest element to you. Start by adjusting the focal length to the maximum and slowly go down so it is clearer to you how it works.

- Aperture makes elements that are out of focus given the focal length more visual.

Insomniac Games, in alls photo mode, inserts 2 other

opposite settings increasing the realistic effect.

- The near focal length starts from the point closest to you and reaches roughly the middle of the shot.

- Close aperture adjusts this latter blur.

The three-dimensionality in the shot is guaranteed with simplicity and within everyone's reach.

Ability to change the character: vote 9

Square button you enter the pose sub-menu. By activating the pose you can make changes to the character. It is not possible to change the font if it's not active.

We really have a lot of variety but let's go in order without creating confusion. The pose can only be changed if your feet are on the ground (walking, standing still or running). Personally I think it's a big limit given the dynamism of the title but you can make really incredible shots.

The poses of the character begin to divide poses: without weapons, with the hammer, poses with light weapons and poses with heavy weapons. There are so many variations as the weapons are unlocked with the experience in the shops.

It is also possible to modify the facial expression with 15 variations.

Combining to your liking, the most important change has been made which is the rotation of the character on the transverse axis.

In conclusion, but not least, it's possible to activate or deactivate the equipment worn.

You can modify Rivet and Ratchet based on the character you are playing; it's possible to adjust the presence or absence of the main character.

Brightness and contrast adjustments: vote 10

It's not possible to adjust the contrast but only the general exposure. So it will seem to you if you don't look in the sub-menu dedicated to light.

An incredible menu inserted from Marvel's Miles Morales onwards with exceptional adjustments for a photo mode. These adjustments will guarantee you unique, real and impressive shots.

You can generate 3 points of illumination, individually adjustable, that start from the character by rotating and moving away from it. The types of light are divided into sphere light (illuminates 360°) and lighthouse (illuminates directionally). Once you have chosen the type that is right for you, we go to the specific adjustments based on the situation.

- The intensity regulates how much light is emanating from the place of origin

- Projection of shadows can be activated especially if you want greater dispersion or not. For example, you want the area to be more illuminated, uncheck it in order to generate more light without creating dark areas.

- You can choose the color of your light on the proposed scale and you can also adjust its intensity to have a pure color or, by decreasing the value, have a white light. However, white light is always a good choice if you aim to illuminate dark areas.

- Angle and softness are adjustable only with the headlight type of light. You need to open or close the cone of light to direct the point you intend to enhance with more precision. Softness is the way the intensity with which the illumination of the lighthouse is propagated.

- The distance of light is the propagation of the illumination from the source you have created.

I recommend that you always use at least 2 light sources: one to increase the illumination of the subject and the other to generate small corrections (light with one color to increase the edges or shadows).

I'd like to say I've described everything but there are other truly amazing settings.

Natural light regulates all the light in the game world obviously without distorting the weather (if it's raining it will not become clear) but you can still customize effectively. Intensity regulates the light of the sky and how it spreads over the game elements. Height and rotation will be like you will move the present sun even if many times with not exceptional results as happens both in Marvel's Miles Morales or Spiderman Remastered. Ambient light is all those lights, including your points of light, that generate unnatural lighting.

Color is a function to insert a background or not. You will completely isolate the character from the context and you can take an iconic shot of the subject. 11 colors, including black and white, for your creative freedom.

Move camera I consider it an extra tool that is always good for photomode: you need to move the frame but you are in the lights menu, you can make the correction. Obviously if you have already chosen the angle and the point that interested you, you will no longer go to adjust it because the adjustment of the lights is the final stage of your shot.

The lights sub-menu is a great tool that every photomode should insert because it avoids all editing work and post-shoot modifications.

Filters: vote 9

I'd like to talk about every single filter but this review would take too long. 28 choices with relative intensity adjustment. Some similar and some very special based on your artistic expression. I used a lot of War Film and Extreme Action filters to make more realistic shots while Chrome, French Film and Film Colors for more iconic shots.

Frames: vote 8

36 Frames to choose from with the most disparate effects; obviously present 1: 1 (frame 35) and cinematic (frame 33). The frame 34 (oblique mask) I appreciated it a lot sin is present only with the inclination to the right.

Stickers are a way to further customize each frame, and not, through a submenu with over 400 stickers. You have 10 adhesive slots to place on your shot. Each sticker can be enlarged and rotated.

Logo: absent

The game logo is not present in any format, not even in the stickers.

Vignetting: Obviously it is possible to both adjust the intensity and the size with good results. The shadow cone is circular and starts from the corners of the shot, always maintaining the circularity.

Film Grain: 2 important adjustments, intensity and size, to make the shot more realistic. The best photographers must learn to adjust these settings well.

Sharpness: Beautiful adjustment to increase the detail but should be used without exaggerating.

You can insert or remove disturbing elements in the shot such as bolts, objects or the trail of the character's shot.


The lighting involves, thanks also to ray tracing, is incredible and your every shot will always come out full of light. The possibility of not being able to move the character, especially since it can be rotated, is a technical limit. A Photo Mode that should be the school for all video games especially those that aim at photorealism.



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