Report Photo Mode
We continue the journey of Kratos and Atreus three years after the events of the previous chapter. Atreus, after the discovery (spoiler alert) that he is a giant, wants to explore the world in search of answers about his identity. Kratos wants to prevent his son from this research to prevent the start of a potential war.
The Photo Mode in the game maintains the same characteristics as the first chapter but differs on small things.
Activate Photo Mode: Option and Square button
Camera freedom: vote 7
The use remains identical to the first chapter with the same limits and the same characteristics but will be situational dictated by the narration of that moment: in action environments it will be more mobile and with greater distances, in small environments where there are dialogues it will slow down the movement and camera movement dome.
There is talk of small differences in use but overall be prepared to take shots mainly on portraits and close-up action scenes. The landscapes are the ones where you will find it more difficult to create because the movements in height are very limited. Another component, as in the previous game, are the very rigid game polygons; in some moments it will seem that the camera has a bug because it will only move on one axis of movement without approaching and moving away this is due to you being too close to a wall or an object. You must learn to use the movement view well, even helping you, if necessary, with the angles of view.
Camera adjustment: vote 8
It is possible to tilt up to 180° on both sides without continuing the rotation stroke.
Also in this chapter the problem of inclination is maintained as happened in the previous chapter where it is not possible to raise or lower the view while being tilted beyond 45°.
I leave you the link of the article God of War I find it very wrong not to have corrected this detail.
Aperture and focus adjustment: vote 9
It's a step back on what we've seen before.
The self-regulation of the depth of field on subjects has been removed: for the less experienced it was a great thing because it fixed a focus constraint.
It was also a convenient function and I considered it an important extra.
On the distance of the focus and the aperture of the diaphragm everything has remained the same maintaining the excellent characteristics already seen: the blur adjusts perfectly and wraps the subjects perfectly. If you are a fan of details you will find it fun to shoot.
Ability to change the character: vote 9
We have a small upgrade of character faces up to 28 different ones. I had more fun choosing the faces because I found many similar variations that could suggest different emotions in the same situation. In addition it is not only possible to change the face of Kratos and Atreus but also of other characters present.
Each situation can be varied and with great final effects.
Brightness and contrast adjustments: vote 7
The same exposure and film grain functions have been maintained. The exposure doesn't reach high tones in the final composition and the filters don't help much. The contrast function is also absent in this photo mode.
Filters: vote 8
All 12 previous filters have been retained with the ability to adjust their intensity. You can use the filters as you prefer and according to the situation you like especially to accentuate the tones, shadows and lights. I noticed some important differences in positive and negative terms but you will have to get used to it while photographing.
Adjusting the intensity from 0 to 0.5 is like turning on or off the filter used, creating a strange effect that doesn't mix well. You can verify this more when you use Silhoutte, used a lot in the previous chapter, to enhance the tones and contrast them at the right point. In this Photo Mode I'm using it very little just because it creates stained shots and I like them less.
You can adjust the vividness and saturation even if only one of these was enough to use.
Tip for the less experienced: use a combination of exposure, the Pastel filter (or Black and White depending on the situation) and Saturation. You will be able to enhance the white tones, the contrasts (absent function) and the tones you want to bring out.
Frames: vote 8
10 selectable borders, as in the previous title: 2:1, cinematic, 4:3, 1:1, 9:16.
All black and white versions of the Nordic braid and three settings for the pinstripe version. Personally I think nothing else is needed to give importance to a shot.
Logo: vote 6
From 6 we have gone to 9 fixed logo positions. It's definitely a step forward but I think the choice of not being able to move it at will is wrong. Only with this possibility can each shot become a poster or a cover for Santa Monica in order to promote the shot and its own title.
The Logo is very close to the edges of the shot as if it is poorly packaged or intended to look like a watermark. To this day I still haven't taken a shot with the logo.
Vignetting: The possibility of activating or deactivating vignetting has been maintained, also regulating its intensity. It could work better but it's an addition that is always important especially if you have very light backgrounds because you overexposed the shot.
As in the previous game, if you love photorealism you will have a lot of fun and you will have great satisfaction. The blackout curtain of the Photo Mode menu and how some adjustments were used are very wrong. The variety of the God of War world takes you to shoot in every corner.
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